Friday, October 14, 2016

YouTube - How to get Partnered with Fullscreen!

This guide will teach you how to create a YouTube account that will successfully get partnered Fullscreen.
I have partnered over 20 accounts with Fullscreen, and done this everytime, and it has worked 100% of the time.

NOTE : I can NOT guarantee that it will work 100% of the time for everyone else, since there are many different variables in play here. (What country you live in, what type of channel/what type of content you are uploading, etc.)

The following is a guide of what I have done to get my channels partnered everytime!

Mentioned in Guide :

Recommended Stats To Get Partnered With Fullscreen :

1. YouTube account must be at LEAST 30 days old.
2. YouTube account must have received at LEAST 100 views per day for the past 30 days.
3. YouTube account must have received at LEAST 1,000 subscribers!

FULL Guide WITH Pictures below!!

Step 1:
Make a new YouTube account, or use an old one :)

The main thing to keep in mind here is that Fullscreen will NOT partner you unless your account is at LEAST 30 days old. What I mean by this is, you must have create your channel at LEAST 30 days prior to applying to get a partnership.
(This requirement is NOT stated anywhere by Fullscreen themselves. I have done multiple tests to verify this statement. I created 3 different accounts, and did the SAME thing to each account, HOWEVER, I applied for partnership on 1 account after 15 days, 1 account after 25 days, and one account after 30 days. The first two accounts got denied, but the third one got accepted :) )

So, having an account that is at least 30 days old is 100% required. (Obviously, if you are not botting views etc, you can probably get partnered before 30 days, but this guide is for people who are botting etc )

Step 2:
Upload YouTube videos to your channel and get views on the videos.
This is what I recommend doing. (NOTE : Doing everything in this step isn't required, but it's what I recommend if you want a guaranteed partnership. The only reason I say it's not all required is that you don't have to send this many views to the videos, it's just my recommendation. Everytime I've sent this many views, I have always gotten a partnership. If I sent about 75% as much, it was really hit or miss. Sometimes I would get the partnership, sometimes I wouldn't. So, I recommend you send as many as I suggest.)

So, I suggest you do the following :
Create at LEAST 10 videos. These videos don't need to be long videos, they can be just 1 minute long videos. Also, they don't need to be 1080p, but I 100% recommend uploading 720p videos. This does NOT mean that it has to be crystal clear quality, just make sure the pixel ratio is 1280x720. Lastly, I 100% recommend that you upload your OWN content. Don't steal videos from other people because it could result in getting a strike on your channel which will mean you won't be able to get partnered. ALSO, when you eventually get partnered, and are ready to monetize these videos, if you copied someone else's videos, and they see it, they can "claim" your videos, and the money you earned will be given to them.

Once you have the videos uploaded, you are ready for step 3 :thumbs:

Step 3:
Send views to your YouTube Videos.
To do this, the easiest way would be to use Hitleap. I recommend Hitleap because they allow you to limit the amount of hits you send per hour, which is exactly what we need!

Once you have a Hitleap account, it's now time to start sending views.

When I do this part, I always set the Hitleap view settings to the following :

I set it to stop traffic after 500 hits because it'll make sure you don't lose all your minutes over night :p

Also, set maximum hourly limit to 5. This will ensure that your views don't get reset, and that when they hit 301 views, they'll stay there and not reset to 0.

You're going to want to make sure you do this to all of your videos, but if you don't want to buy extra slots on Hitleap, just send views to a video for a few days, then switch to another video etc.

HOWEVER, I recommend that you at LEAST get 100 views per day. So, whether you are going to send 100 to one video each day, or 10 to each of your 10 videos each day, get at LEAST 100 views across the board each day.

Step 4:
Now, it's time to start getting subscribers.
At this time, you have uploaded your videos and have started sending views to them via Hitleap (or your favorite traffic exchange).

At this point, it's really up to you how you get your subscribers. I recommend at LEAST 1000 subscribers, but I have gotten a channel partnered that only had 580 subs :shrug: (I think I got lucky on that account, I wouldn't chance it.

You can get your subscribers from anywhere, but I recommend at LEAST 1,000 subscribers.

Step 5:
Once you have completed all steps up until this point, you are now ready to get partnered
At this point, you should have completed the following :

1. YouTube channel at least 30 days old ✔
2. YouTube views 100+ Views per day for 30 days ✔
3. YouTube subscribers 1,000 + subscribers ✔

At this point, this is what your YouTube channel should look like :

NOTE : Keep in mind, your results won't be exactly the same as mine! You won't get the same amount of views, or the same amount of minutes watched etc. Your stats WILL be different. Just stick to the 100 views per day, 1,000 subs, and at least 30 days old, and you're good to go!

Step 6 :
Apply for a partnership with Fullscreen!

Step 7:
Wait about 3-5 days, and you will get partnered :smile:

Step 8:
Make sure you monetized your videos now! :smile:
Once you have monetized your videos, you will be allowed to earn money on your videos!
Once you have monetized your videos, this is what it should look like! :thumbs:

When a YouTube video is successfully monetized, the Money sign will be White with a Green background :smile:

That's it guys! I've used my method over 20 times and have gotten partnered EVERY time :smile:

I hope this method helped you guys, and if you have any questions, leave a reply :D

I hope I was able to enlighten everyone with this method, and hopefully I answered everyone's questions.

It took me quite a bit of time to make this guide, so I hope I helped a lot of you :smile:


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