Saturday, August 12, 2017

Facebook Groups, Dating: Still alive, earn 20-30$ a day

So let's start 😉

1. You will need a lot of browsers

Avoid the stuff of Yandex and, as the browsers of these "companies" will cram your computer with all sorts of dubious shit, therefore, it will start slowing down. After all, removing all these useless components is another bane.

Get another browser for this project and never use it for logging in to fake accounts.

Use fake accounts in incognito mode only. There is a function in a browser “Open private window”, so you will be blocked less, and, what is more, it does not store cookies. It’s not quite convenient as it doesn’t keep logins and passwords. Therefore, make a txt file for fake accounts where you will store data: username, password, email password: date of birth. You will log in by copying and pasting data in the browser so make the passwords complex, anyway, you don’t need remembering them.

One more thing, you’d better avoid logging in to more than 5 accounts within 1 browser.

2. Accounts:

2.1. Sign up no more than 4-5 accounts per day with different browsers.

2.2. Create accounts of beautiful girls.

If you can get documents for accounts, so make sure that name, date of birth, gender and city of birth of an account match the document’s data to undergo further verification. You can choose any picture, nobody looks at it. You can choose any city of residence or even skip it. The same goes for city of birth, or choose one in accordance with the documents. BUT it is necessary to make the date of birth private by choosing "only me" in privacy settings.

If a document belongs to a golden ager, that's okay. You hid the date of birth, and there is a beautiful photo of a young girl on the profile picture.

3. How to get traffic?

3.1. The first way is the easiest: on Facebook search for groups called “add”, “add me”, “add me friends”, “add me fast” - well, you understand - any variations of these words.

Join these groups (make no more than 10 requests per day with new accounts). When joined publish simple posts:

Add photo of a girl and type “add me”.

Then wait for friend requests. You will start getting them gradually: the more you add the more requests you get. In 4-5 days you will have 500 requests per day, no less. 5000 is the limit on Facebook.

3.2. Complex way: make friends by-hand or using scripts/programs.

3.2.1. Install the free “” extension for Google Chrome browser - it can be installed on any browser based on Google Chrome. The same goes for any Google extension for Google based browsers. For example: Coowon, Vivaldi, Uran, Chromium etc.

Facebook does not welcome adding strangers, so now the local network search is a true shit. This extension will perfectly replace the local search to a good one.

How to use it? Click on the extension icon and set the target

There are a lot of settings but for all intents and purposes you need only three of them: city of residence, age (I have more than 25 but less than 60) and gender (male).

Click “Search” and get the results. There's no point adding friends here, as FB shows the most popular profiles. It is more practical to scroll down the results, find some victims, go to their profiles, open their friends section and choose people from there.

3.2.2. Doing it by-hand is easy. Just send friend requests to some people from USA, for example, then open one more browser tab from the friends section of your profile -> Recommendations "You might know these people". If you still do not have it, just send a couple more requests and check again – keep on doing it until you get Recommendations. But don’t send 20 requests at one blow (the fewer you send the better). Ignore all sorts of FB warnings.

3.2.3. Add friends with
carefully read the txt file into the archive, the program itself is full capacity with no cutbacks)

When the program starts off, first Internet Explorer opens. Don’t shut it down until the Blaster is activated. When the Blaster runs, shut Internet Explorer down. Sometimes when starting, the Blaster slows down, and even doesn’t run after Internet Explorer, although it hangs in task manager. There is no one to blame but original programmer. If it happens, I just shut the Blaster down in task manager and start it again - one way or another it will run (it was tried in different Windows).
Set up:

 The button on the screen parses ID's of people offered by Facebook. Of course, 10 are not enough, so we click on “Show more friends” in the Blaster browser and parse page after page. You can’t open all at once and click on the parser just once. When the offers are over and there will be nothing to parse, click “Import”, mark the tick and click start.

When the Blaster sent all friend requests, the list of people you might know will be replenished, so don't waste time and do the whole procedure again - get new ID, send requests, etc. You just need to send about 1000-1500 requests, and, concurrently, switch periodically to the browser where the account is opened and accept all friend requests you get. Don’t do it by-hands, it’s too sad. Just run the script by tab and click “Confirm”.

The script shows 5 requests at the max, but in real life it confirms all. If there are too many requests, and soon you will get friend requests from strangers in vast numbers, just keep in mind to reload the page after each 50 requests accepted and wait about half a minute. Then run it again, make 50, reload and so on. All we need is to get 500-600 friends (no more).

After 300 accepted requests, Facebook will doubt if you are a robot, so you will be asked to confirm the account by SMS.

Here is the website which will help you to do it for 0.02$ :

After confirming go to the account settings and remove the number of confirmation, you don't need someone else's phone number in your accounts.

Keep on parsing, sending requests and accepting all the counter requests until you get 500-600 friends.

Such friending is faster, but every second account is banned – the same for by-hand method.

3.2.4. The method of making traffic in groups, where accounts are friended, is a high-risk group. Such accounts will be banned, so after you gained friends, do the following:

Install this for Google Chrome and other similar browsers:

Create new account. Send friend request from the account which has a lot of friends to the new one. Accept it.

Then, from the account which has friends (donor) - click “Recommend a friend” on the profile of the new account.

and that button

The script will click it for you very quickly
Depending on the number of recommendations, after 5 min - 2-3 hours the friends of your account will get recommendations as well, and will begin to click on them thus sending a friend requests. The new account will start getting these requests, so your task is to accept them every 5 min.

Note that the new account will also receive recommendations, so do not confuse them with friend requests, otherwise you get ban.

The more you accept the more traffic offered, so those friends you accepted will bring you many new friends as well.
3.2.5. When the number of requests grows, it’s getting hard to accept them by-hand.

For this purpose use the following

This script is a txt file with the code. It is not necessary to install it, but it is necessary to make a bookmark which is any website, click the right mouse button, choose Edit, paste the whole text of that file instead of url, give the bookmark any name (I just write “Script”) and save it.

Now, you just need to click on this tab for making it work on Facebook.

When you launched it, click “Confirm”, so the script accepts 5 by 5 profiles. Sometimes it works very fast, in any case, after each 50 requests accepted, reload the page and wait for 30 seconds. Otherwise you will get ban. Facebook bans for 5 hours, so you won’t be able to accept any friend request.

3.2.6. This method I call “traffic reproduction” - it is very easy to get it this way, and virtually you won’t be banned by Facebook, so I recommend you this method.

3.2.7. This method will give you a lot of traffic very quickly, appearing out of nowhere. An important point is that the traffic collected by the Blaster is of average quality, but the traffic collected by reproduction of friends collected by Blaster is worse than average. Here you can gain quantity, but quality. It all depends on your laziness.

If you're looking for HQ traffic, you need to do the stuff that Blaster does yourself: get 600 friends by sending requests to people from Europe, USA, etc., removing Arabs, Indians and others. Copy friends, but now the traffic made by-hand will be HQ, and copies are of average quality.

3.2.8. An alternative method (freebie)

Go to browser extensions chrome://extensions/
Note the tick “Developer mode”
Download this extension
- unpack the archive

In developer mode click on "Load Unpacked Extension" and specify the path to the folder with the extension - Installed - Ok!
The sense of method is to join groups of up to 100,000 participants. Optimally, join 10 groups 3 times a day.

When the account gets a pretty significant number of groups, run this app every day and click the button "Claim as group admin" - it can make you an admin of the group where admins were deleted for violations, or they might deleted themselves for various reasons.

One cannot gain such large groups, but why not getting free traffic? Pay attention! Before you start, it is necessary to switch Facebook language to English (US).

3.2.9. Exchanges. There are many groups on Facebook. Contact owners, offer them traffic. Most of them keep up with it.

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