Thursday, September 1, 2016

CPC ,CPM/Traffic and Popunder Traffic Exchange $$$

We all need $$$ whether through CPC sites or CPM or PPC or Popunders.

CPC is?
Cost Per Click (CPC) refers to the actual price you pay for each click in your pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. In this lesson you'll learn:
sites like are both CPM and CPC at the same time.

Have you tried all traffic exchanges and none work for you.
You keep getting banned etc.
Well here is the Ultimate traffic exchange.

Here is a short tutorial. 

Also works for banner ads but needs tweaking around.
This guide is a generic guide feel free to experiment with different values.

requirements :
1. dot net framework 4.5
2. Windows OS [same steps like hitleap Traffic Exchange]

1. Sign Up to this site:

2. Download the Bot ['Viewer'].

3.Add your site:

4.Visit Duration [self explanatory] 

5.Most important part {for CPM sites skip this step} 

-Enable mouse clicker box should be checked.
-Anchor point leave default
-Click trigger time :{time after page is loaded when the click should be triggered}
this value is a range. the viewer will select a random time between the highest value and lowest value. E.g if Click trigger time is 10-15 then the viewer will select a random time between 10 and 15 seconds... for example the viewer will trigger the click at 12 seconds after the page has loaded. Therefore the maximum value 15 should not be more than the time spent on the page [Visit duration minimum time].

-Mouse X: These are mouse X coordinates to where the popunder is triggered. If it is a full page popunder choose a random range e.g 300 - 500
-Mouse Y: These are mouse Y coordinates to where the popunder is triggered. If it is a full page popunder choose a random range e.g 300 - 500

-Mouse X: These are mouse X coordinates to where the CPC button is triggered.
-Mouse Y: These are mouse Y coordinates to where the CPC button is triggered.
-Then click submit.

6. Download viewer. 

Earn minutes and your site will get traffic that clicks your site.

Spoiler: Error for Can't start
Solved: Follow everything in this article:

This includes errors in windows server. it seem when .Net frame work 4.0+ installs on some Operating Systems it doesn't add Service park framewroks 2.0 and 3.5 .The above guide will help you solve errors for each affected OS.

For more advanced users:
I will simplify the content below on other posts.
{Everything below is for custom solutions and advanced users}
Download the browser to test out mouse features and script features. The browser will help in understanding how the viewer works.

The browser tester will also help in getting mouse coordinates and testing javascript script.
The script below is for clicking through the script function. [A little knowledge of Javascript is needed to understand the script below]
function clickerf(){
    var element = document.getElementById("div1");
    if ("click" in element){
    }else if ("dispatchEvent" in element) {
        var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);


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